Saturday, September 21, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 20 (fitness lifestyle)

Fitness Lifestyle

Hi there everyone! Hope you're having a fabulous day! was an off day from the gym and my workout consisted of a 1 mile walk with my puppy Ivory :) I love going on these walks with him because we both get to exercise!

 Find a way to incorporate working out as a lifestyle, take the kids bike riding, walk the dog or park your car further away when you go places to get that cardio in. Be creative! 

Remember you don't have to start big, you just need to start somewhere :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 19 (get results)

Want Results?

Then put in the work!

Happy Friday :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 18 (my workout routine)

My Workout Routine

In my experience, I've found working out to be  much more enjoyable when I do what works for me. I had to find my groove and figure out what I like to do and what I don't like to do. I experimented with so many different types of workouts from "hot yoga," to "Insanity". There are elements I enjoyed form all of them, so I believe it's important to try different workouts to see what works best for you. 

My current work out consists of:

1. Full body workout 3 days a week at the gym

2. Cardio (at home on the days I don't go to the gym)

3. Ab workouts 5 days a week

So far this routine is working out great for me!  Feel free to share your workout/exercise routines below.  I'd love to hear from you. Leave any comments below.

oh....... and remember, diet is crucial when it comes to losing weight and staying ft! Make sure you incorporate healthy meal planning into your lifestyle. (I'll blog about this at a later time)

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 17 (fruit infused water)

How to Make Your Own Fruit Infused Water

As you may already know.... your body is made up of about 60% water. (No wonder why it's so important to consume at least 8 to 10 glasses a day.) Most people don't drink as much water as they should for one reason or another. It's not only a good idea to drink plenty of water daily, but it's vital for good health and promotes beautiful hair & skin.

Top 3 reasons I hear from people who don't drink enough water:

1. "I don't like water."

2. "It doesn't taste like anything."

3." I don't want to keep going to the bathroom all day."

Hey!..... I'm with you on number 3! When I'm home it's cool, but I hate using public restrooms! (that's another blog... ha ha)

These are some of the tips I use to stay hydrated:

1. Don't Just Think More Water. Drink More Water!
I often find myself thinking "I need to drink more water," but thinking is where it use to end for me. Now I have a Brita filtered water pitcher (which is about 2 liters) and I fill it up every morning when I get to work. My goal is to drink the whole pitcher before I leave for the day. It helps to have a plan on how you will consume your 8 to 10 glasses daily. Try substituting your beverage of choice with water at least 1 once a day.

2. Drinking Water At Room Temperature.

I don't know about you guys, but I love me some room temperature water! (I drink fruit infused water cold :) Drinking warm water not only tastes better to me, but it's easier to consume, plus it helps with digestion and washing toxins from the body.

I know some of you "just got's to have yo' ice cold water".... so do what's better for you. (as long as you drink it : ))

3. Make It Pretty :)
We all get bored with drinking plain ol' water, at least I know I do.... so I look for ways to make it fun. I love drinking my water out of a wine glass and adding a bit of lemon. When I want to get really creative,  I'll make some  fruit infused water. 

Here's how I prepare it:

Step 1

Select your favorite fruit and slice it up.

Tip: If possible try to buy organic or just rinse your fruit really well to avoid high levels of pesticides.

For this batch I used:
Handful of frozen blueberries
4 strawberries
1 orange
1 kiwi
1 small lemon
1 small lime
2 mint leaves

Step 2

Place your fruit in a pitcher or mason jar (and ice if you like)

I used a regular pitcher this time, because I didn't plan on storing my fruit infused water for too long. Using a mason jar helps to keep your water fresher if you plan on storing it in the fridge for a couple of days.

Step 3

Add water and bring it all together.

Tip: Let  your water sit in the fridge for a few hours or over night for a delicious infusion.

I like to used spring water, but you can also use filtered water or whatever type of water you normally drink.

Step 4

Drink and Enjoy: )

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I hope you find these tips helpful. Try it out and let me know what you think! Leave any questions or comments below.

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 16 (encouragement)

Encouragement For The Day

I received this message from a good friend  of mine and it really spoke to me because so many people say they want certain things in life, but are not willing to do what it takes to get there.

Simply trying doesn't always cut it! Put your whole heart into everything you do and don't settle for "I tried" ....sometimes it's not good enough to just try. You must do what is required to succeed!

Happy Tuesday!

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 15 (fitness progress)

My Fitness Progression I'm halfway through my 30 day fitness challenge and wow has it been just that! A challenge! I've done well so far and I'm excited to say I've been pretty consistent with doing something everyday to contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Eating healthy has never been a problem for me (except occasional sweets :), but staying consistent with a workout routine has been.

If you're having trouble staying motivated and consistent, or trying to figure out what to do in the gym, then consider these few tips:

1. Hire a personal trainer
I know it's going to be an investment, but what is your health worth to you? (another blog to come on what to look for in a trainer)

2. Get an exercise DVD or go to youtube
As I mentioned in another blog, find something you like to do, there are tons of exercise routines out there. Just google it.

3. Make the choice to be committed.
We live in a society where people are just quitting all the time at the very thought of work. If you want something bad enough you will make the commitment to go get it! What's an unhealthy lifestyle costing you? I know I got tired of starting to workout, then stopping and then justifying it because I ate healthy! I had to realize healthy eating and fitness go hand and hand If I desired to be in the best shape of my life.

Even if you we were inconsistent like me in the beginning you can still do it, make the decision to win and follow through.

Hope these tips help! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 14 (workout)

Have you ever asked yourself this question? 

If the answer is yes then go do it!

Short, sweet and to the point. Time to go workout :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog to day!

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)
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