Saturday, September 14, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 13 (don't skip breakfast)

Breakfast. The Most Important Meal of the Day?

It's been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Well, I know it definitely is for me! I rarely skip breakfast because of the amazing benefits it provides my body. Here are 5 reasons why eating breakfast will get your day off to a better start.

1. Focus
I can't count how many times I got a headache and realized it was because I hadn't eaten anything all day. Your brain does strange things when it hasn't had food for many hours, it starts to focus on storing the energy it has left- as if you're in a famine. Eating a healthy well-balanced breakfast each morning will help you focus better throughout the day. 

2. Energy  
Eating breakfast in the morning gives your body the fuel it needs to make it through the morning.  Whenever I don't eat breakfast I can tell the difference in the way I feel. I don't feel as energized and productive. I hear can hear someone now saying "I don't like breakfast." I hear it all the time. Try eating some fruit, like an apple or orange. They are high in vitamin C and will help give you  that morning boost you need.

3. Heart
It has been shown in research that adults who have a habit of skipping breakfast tent to have higher cholesterol, higher insulin levels and higher LDL.All of these are precursors for diabetes and heart disease. Eating Breakfast is good for your Heart health!

4. Memory
Have you ever been frazzled in the morning, rushing out the house tying to keep it all together? Well.... I know I have. If it's not someone's birthday, it's a phone call or email I forgot to return. I have to retain a plethora of things on a daily basis and can not afford to have my memory to get away from me. More than one study has shown that those who eat breakfast outperform those who do not.(parents make sure your children eat breakfast before school)

5. Lose Weight
Eating a well-balanced breakfast may aid in weight loss . Think about many times have you skipped breakfast and opted for a bag of  Doritos from the vending machine at work. Eating breakfast will help curve your appetite from foods that will do you no good!

Oh almost forgot..... for all you coffee lovers out there. Drinking Starbucks in the morning doesn't count as breakfast. Eat something nutritious along with it.:)

Thanks for Stopping by my blog today. 

Live Fit Be Free.

Eboni :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 12 (reduce stress)

Five Tips To Reduce Stress       

Stress is something we all encounter at one point or another. Even when you don't think you're stressed, your body will tell a different story. Learn how to manage stress and live a well balanced life with some of these tips below.

1. Pray/meditate
Prayer and meditation does wonders for me when I feel overwhelmed. I suggest finding a quiet place to pray and connect with God. When you take your mind away from your problems and gain a clear prospective, you'll find a greater sense of peace. 

2. Control your thoughts
Sometimes the cause of stress is deeper than "just another bad day." Controlling your thoughts is vital. If you always think negatively or think it will never get any better, you're most likely going to perpetuate the situation and make it worst. Don't always think the worst of everything! Fill your mind with things that will help you have a positive outlook on life.

3. Exercise
I personally like to go for a walk or run whenever I'm feeling bogged down. Find a way to incorporate exercise as a lifestyle, doing this will help you relieve some stress.

4. De-clutter your life
This one is a biggie! You may wonder what de-cluttering your life has to do with stress?...well it has a lot to do with it. Get your home, office, car and anything else out of order in line and you will find that your mind will be much clearer and less chaotic. (another blog on this to come....)

5. Take time to do something you enjoy
All work and no play is no fun!!!! Treat yourself to something really nice.... get a massage, go to the spa or plan a nice getaway. Having balance is the key to a healthy and happy life :)

Thank you for stopping by my blog today!

Live Fit Be Free!

Eboni :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 11 (never give up)

Never Give Up!

Even when it gets hard, don't allow yourself to quit.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 10 (short workouts)

10 Minute Workout Ideas


I don't know about  you guys, but I love the idea working out, looking great and feeling accomplished all in 10 minutes or less! Most of us lead very busy lives and have a hard time juggling all the demands being thrown our way. Working out is one of the things I'm learning to incorporate in my daily life as a lifestyle, not just "the thing to do." Some days are tougher than others, but with a solid plan it has definitely been manageable.

I usually search online or Google "short  workout routine " I also gather ideas from one of my favorite social media sites, Youtube. No DVDs or fancy gym membership needed! Many of the workouts I do can be done in the comfort of my own home.

Here is one of the websites I've been going to lately to for 10 minute workouts. I love these workout routines because they are short, to the point, yet challenging! 

You don't have to spend  hours in the gym to get fit, you just need to start somewhere! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Live Fit Be Free!

Eboni :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 9 (inspiration)

A Little Inspiration For The Day....

With God, there is nothing you can't handle!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 8 (healthy snacks)

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Fruits & Veggies!

Well.... that's not exactly how I remember the saying go, but I believe fruits and veggies are worth a shout!

Picking healthy snacks can sometimes be a challenge. I love sweets and have to limit myself on when I can indulge! When I go grocery shopping I rarely buy sweets because I don't want to make it a habit. (Ice cream doesn't count lol ) Every now and again I'll get a craving for a peach cobbler or hot fudge brownies and I'll make them, but for the most part I'll stay away because I know the danger ha ha! I have quite a few healthy snacks I like to munch on when I have a sweet tooth or just want something in between meals.

My Top 5 Healthy Snacks

1. Fruit
My top 3 would have to be: bananas, strawberries and pineapples. Fruit is so easy to prepare and gives your body the nutrients and energy needed during the day.

2. Almonds

Almonds have amazing health benefits and not to mention they taste great!

3. Dried cranberries

Dried cranberries and almonds go hand and hand for me. I love this combo together.

4. Almond butter banana sandwich

Lately, this has been one of my favorite sandwiches to snack on. I usually have this on toasted, whole grain wheat bread. 

5. Greek yogurt 

Greek yogurt tastes great alone or mixed with fruit. I also like mixing it with almonds.

What are some of your favorite snacks? I'd love to hear about them!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Live fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 7 (winner mindset)

The Mindset of A Champion

We all have days that are not exactly our favorite, but even on those days you can overcome whatever challenges you are faced with and get back on the road to achieving your goals. Having the right mindset and not allowing your feelings to get the best of you is the key to getting on track.

Today was one of those days for me where quite frankly, I didn't feel like doing jack! I didn't feel like working out and I didn't feel like writing this blog. (Just keeping it real :) but I made a commitment to myself that I would take my health and wellness journey to another level and hopefully inspire others along the way. I intend on following through with my commitment to myself.

There are certain characteristics that all champions have in common that make them winners. 

Traits of a champion:

1. Commitment 
Champions make promises and deliver! In this day and age it seems more and more common for people to say they will do something or say they want something, but not be willing to do what it takes to execute! It's very important to follow through on whatever you set out to accomplish. The first person you need to believe is yourself. If you can't believe you, then no one else will!

2. Determination 
There will always be roadblocks in life. Keep pushing though to knock those barriers down.

3. Do what it takes to win
'Trying' is not always going to cut it if you are not doing the proper actions it takes to win. If you don't know what to do or how to handle the challenges preventing you from moving forward, then seek help from someone who is successful in the area you want to be successful in or start researching resources available online or in your community.

4. Consistency 
Champions are consistent no matter how they feel!

5. Keep going even when it gets hard
I know it can be discouraging to keep going when it gets hard and one thing after another keeps coming at you, but if you quit, you'll have regrets and look back wondering what if.....

I hope this blog provided some encouragement for you today. No matter what happens, remember to keep going. It's ok to stop and regroup, but it's never ok to completely give up on your dreams!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

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