Breakfast. The Most Important Meal of the Day?
It's been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Well, I know it definitely is for me! I rarely skip breakfast because of the amazing benefits it provides my body. Here are 5 reasons why eating breakfast will get your day off to a better start.
1. Focus
I can't count how many times I got a headache and realized it was because I hadn't eaten anything all day. Your brain does strange things when it hasn't had food for many hours, it starts to focus on storing the energy it has left- as if you're in a famine. Eating a healthy well-balanced breakfast each morning will help you focus better throughout the day.
2. Energy
Eating breakfast in the morning gives your body the fuel it needs to make it through the morning. Whenever I don't eat breakfast I can tell the difference in the way I feel. I don't feel as energized and productive. I hear can hear someone now saying "I don't like breakfast." I hear it all the time. Try eating some fruit, like an apple or orange. They are high in vitamin C and will help give you that morning boost you need.
3. Heart
It has been shown in research that adults who have a habit of skipping breakfast tent to have higher cholesterol, higher insulin levels and higher LDL.All of these are precursors for diabetes and heart disease. Eating Breakfast is good for your Heart health!
4. Memory
Have you ever been frazzled in the morning, rushing out the house tying to keep it all together? Well.... I know I have. If it's not someone's birthday, it's a phone call or email I forgot to return. I have to retain a plethora of things on a daily basis and can not afford to have my memory to get away from me. More than one study has shown that those who eat breakfast outperform those who do not.(parents make sure your children eat breakfast before school)
5. Lose Weight
Eating a well-balanced breakfast may aid in weight loss . Think about many times have you skipped breakfast and opted for a bag of Doritos from the vending machine at work. Eating breakfast will help curve your appetite from foods that will do you no good!
Oh almost forgot..... for all you coffee lovers out there. Drinking Starbucks in the morning doesn't count as breakfast. Eat something nutritious along with it.:)
Thanks for Stopping by my blog today.
Live Fit Be Free.
Eboni :)
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