Thursday, September 5, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge Day 4 (staying motivated)

Got Motivation?
Turn up! Turn up! Get motivated! 

Ok... Ok, I probably hate that phrase just as much as the rest of y'all do. Ha ha!

Getting motivated for a workout can be extremely challenging at times, but it doesn't have to be. With the right mindset and determination you'll be ready to transform your body into the one you've always desired to have in no time! 

Five Tips To Stay Motivated

1. Start off small, but start now!
I remember starting elaborate workout routines and being so excited about them only to quit two weeks later. It's perfectly fine to start off small and increase your routine as your body gets use to moving. The main goal here is to do a little something instead of a lot of nothing!

2. Find workouts that you enjoy!
I've learned it's best for me to stay active by doing workouts I actually like. Some of my best workouts are the ones that don't even feel like a workout. Lately I've been playing volleyball and running. Since I enjoy those things it's easier for me to stick with it. If you like dancing, then take a dance class or if you like swimming then go swimming a few times a week. You just have to do what works best for you.

3. Listen to something that pumps you up!
Have your favorite songs and playlists ready and get motivated! I usually like listening to upbeat dance songs when I'm working out. Find whatever works for you.

4. Find pictures that inspire you!
Find pictures in magazines or on the internet that inspire you. Place them somewhere you will see on a daily basis; this will remind you of the results you want and why you're working so hard!

5. Have the right mindset
This last tip is soooo important. If you don't have the proper mindset none of the other tips will work. I remember talking myself out of a workout before it even started. (sad, but true lol) Try reading your favorite quotes or bible scriptures to remind yourself that all things are possible if you believe.

When you feel like quitting remember the reason you started :)

Live Fit Be Free

Eboni :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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